Basoli Madras Sauce | Basoli Sauces

Basoli Madras Sauce

Basoli Madras Sauce

Basoli Madras Sauce is very close to my heart. This recipe comes from the owners grandmother and father who cooked this specifically at his restaurant where it was loved by many. This recipe contains the following ingredients such as Fenugreeks seeds, Mustard seeds, and Freshly grated coconuts. The combination of these fresh ingredients are extremely beneficial for our health and well-being.

Versatility is one of this sauce's strengths as it can be prepared with your choice of meat or vegetable or soy based products. You can create a tantalizing chili or explore the various possibilities limited only by your imagination. Preparing it is a breeze. Simply sauté your chosen meat or vegetable or soy based product in olive oil until cooked to perfection. Then, add the Basoli Madras Sauce, simmer for a mere five minutes, and your delightful creation is complete - no additional ingredients are required.

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This product is proudly made in Ontario by:

Basoli Sauces

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