Hypochlorous Acid Face & Body Mist | Zyderma

Hypochlorous Acid Face & Body Mist

Hypochlorous Acid Face & Body Mist

Our High-Purity HOCl mist is a versatile soothing toner treatment for fast relief of angry skin. It can be used daily on acne-prone or problem skin on any area of the face or body. Not just for morning or night, it can also be used to freshen skin throughout the day, at work or school. No rinse required!
HOCl is also a natural deodorant that removes odour causing bacteria. Use it to maintain odor-free skin on all areas of the body as part of your post-activity or workout routine.

Recently had a laser or microneedle treatment, tattoo, or piercing? HOCl is an effective aftercare cleanse to support the healing process.

Oh, and you'll love our custom fine mist applicator that avoids over-wetting.

Key takeaways:

High purity, optimal concentration of HOCl (200ppm, 0.02%)
pH balanced (4.5)
Suitable for all skin types and no rinse required
Free from alcohol, fragrance, oil, parabens, and dyes
Does not stain clothes

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