Po-Po's Hot Sauce
Po-Po’s Hot Sauce
Not OK Hot | sweet inferno heat | tomato + scotch bonnet + dragon’s breath + date
enjoy with: grilled things, curry, yogurt sauce, sandwich, cheeseboard, hamburger, and more!
This sauce is dedicated to our First Responders, who keep our communities safe. We at Beko Foods Inc. endeavour to foster healthy relationships within all levels of society.
Po-Po’s hot sauce—respect the heat! An earthy sweet blend of dates and tomato round off a fiery punch to the throat delivered by dragon’s breath peppers. Our scotch bonnet peppers keep everything warm when the fire subsides. This is a great sauce for cooking—on the grill or in a curry. It will also liven up a yogurt sauce, your favourite sandwich, or cheeseboard. Po-Po’s always delivers with its complex flavours.
Po-Po keeps the cogs turning at a small brewery in the Stockyards neighbourhood in Toronto. Her proud Polish heritage and fiery boss lady attitude help her “lay down the law” and add to the charm of the establishment. Whether it is the date night she hosts or her impromptu comedy performances, she is always memorable and ready to laugh. Ironically, she finds black pepper too spicy, so could we could not resist creating a sauce only her family and colleagues could enjoy for her!
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 8/10 Heat Level
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