Reflection™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container | Busch Systems

Reflection™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container

Reflection™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container

Durability for outdoor waste and recycling collection has never looked better! The Reflection™ is an aesthetically pleasing outdoor container perfect for any location. With its metal sloped rear-hinged lockable canopy lid, the Reflection™ endures all seasons, allowing precipitation to run off, keeping contents dry, and making servicing easy. Expand & customize your central collection station as needed with stock or custom labelling options. Create your superior recycling and waste program that will make an impact!

SUPERIOR FINISH – Powder-coated steel body available in select colors to help with stream recognition and/or to match your modern décor

LARGE CAPACITY IN SMALL SPACES - Small footprint makes it ideal for a wide range of locations

ERGONOMIC SERVICING - Plastic HDPE liner prevents leaks, is simple to clean, and has easy-grip handles

CANOPY LID - Metal sloped rear-hinged lockable canopy lid allows precipitation to run off, preventing contents from getting wet and precipitation from contaminating your collection

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This product is proudly made in Ontario by:

Busch Systems

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