The Two/ series of P90 style pickups are designed to sound very similar to our FiftyNiners, but with a stronger attack and snarl on the bridge side, and for the neck side a more “airy” and “woody” character. These are not hum-cancelling, just pure uncontrolled rock n’ roll.
Handwound Guitar Pickups
Romain Pickups
We took the pickup from the other “G” guitar company and looked under the hood... Nothing sounds...
Firecaster FC/52
Romain Pickups
The Firecaster line of single coil pickups are for guitarists looking to get MORE from their “S” or...
Firecaster FC/63
Romain Pickups
The Firecaster line of single coil pickups are for guitarists looking to get MORE from their “S” or...
Romain Pickups
The Five/ line of pickups are for guitarists looking to attain a vintage feeling tone but with a...
Romain Pickups
The Master/ line of single coil pickups sit somewhere between a Strat’s chime and the warmth and...
The FiftyNiner
Romain Pickups
The FiftyNiner is my take on the highly desired P.A.F. Humbucker as used in the sunburst Les Paul...