Whole Grain Barley Berries
Ingredients: 100% Wholegrain Barley Berries "¢
Description: Barley comes in several forms, but choosing ATG Whole Grain Barley ensures that you are eating a whole grain with the most nutrients. 1/4 cup of ATG barley berries provides 60% of the daily amount of the fibre, proven to lower cholesterol.
Against the Grain beta-glucan barley is a hulless barley variety that has been adapted to grow in Canada. It is free of genetically modified organisms and commercial additives, and is more nutritious than traditional barley. It adds a delicious nutty flavour to your cooking & baking. ATG barley flour has half the gluten of most wheat flours.
Hulless barley is high in beta-glucans which are a type of soluble fibre found in barley that lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. One gram of beta-glucan from barley grain products equals 35% of the recommended daily intake. Beta-glucans create a feeling of fullness, and prevent fast rise in blood sugar after eating.
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