Agrofolks Inc.
M6N 3G1
The Turkish delight is an amazing dessert that will easily win the hearts of all ages, and you can enjoy every little thing with all those warm and delicious flavors.
Bonjiq brings you a great assortment of classic Turkish delight flavors and all-natural fruit mixes. These tiny chewy bites give you an astonishing opportunity to enjoy the world-famous sultan's dessert.
It is also a really great choice of sharing and will warm everybody’s heart and soul.
Le délice turc est un dessert incroyable qui gagnera facilement le cœur de tous les âges, et vous pourrez profiter de chaque petite chose avec toutes ces saveurs chaudes et délicieuses.
Bonjiq vous propose un grand assortiment de saveurs classiques de délices turcs et de mélanges de fruits entièrement naturels. Ces petites bouchées moelleuses vous offrent une occasion étonnante de savourer le dessert du sultan de renommée mondiale.
C'est aussi un très bon choix pour partager et réchauffer le coeur et l'amé de chacun.
Food & Beverage – Sweets & Treats
Turkish Delight - Guava Dragee
Agrofolks Inc.
The Turkish delight is an amazing dessert that will easily win the hearts of all ages, and you can...
Turkish Delight - Mango Dragee
Agrofolks Inc.
The Turkish delight is an amazing dessert that will easily win the hearts of all ages, and you can...
Turkish Delight - Sweet Cherry Dragee
Agrofolks Inc.
The Turkish delight is an amazing dessert that will easily win the hearts of all ages, and you can...
Turkish Delight - Blood Orange Dragee
Agrofolks Inc.
The Turkish delight is an amazing dessert that will easily win the hearts of all ages, and you can...