Full Blast Labs Inc.
M5C 1C4
Full Blast Labs Inc. is a Canadian company which research, designs and manufactures smart networked devices to help solve problems and add value to Industrial Manufacturing, Greenhouse, Building and Home Automation. Serving North America and the World. Our Vision: A world where Full Blast Labs technology plays an important role in adding value, increasing safety and well-being of individuals of all ages wherever they are. We believe that organizations of all kinds depend on people and as long as people are well they will remain productive and contributing to a better world. Our Mission: To enhance human life through research and innovation. Our Goals: To be a trusted partner of organizations who aim to improve the safety of employees, evolve economically and technologically in order to provide higher return on investments to shareholders. We are obsessed by continuous improvement and this mindset results in innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. We pride ourselves of setting high and ambitious short, medium and long term goals and we love to help solving the hardest problems. We believe we have a unique profile in terms of skills by combining over 30 years of software development and electronics. From device circuit design and microcontroller firmware development to business level applications we are able to create outstanding solutions. We manufacture our own devices and develop our own software, that way we are able to ensure seamless integration that is both cost efficient and innovative. If you are an organization which believes in investing in innovation today in order to fulfill future strategic goals and lay out the foundations for solid growth then look no further. We will be extremely happy to hear your challenges and find ways to support you and help you along the way, to be a trusted partner for the long run.