Crate Designs Furniture

Where to buy

Home, Office & Garden – Furniture

Dining Table

Dining Table

Crate Designs Furniture

Dining Table The perfect table for a party of four to ten when you can choose from 3 sizes. Use one...

HarvestRoots beds

HarvestRoots beds

Crate Designs Furniture

HarvestRoots furniture is not for everyone. You must appreciate wood at its rawest. The character...

Ladder End bunk beds

Ladder End bunk beds

Crate Designs Furniture

The classic bunk bed. With the ladders built into both ends of the bed there is nothing in the way....

Mission Beds

Mission Beds

Crate Designs Furniture

Mission beds are available in twin, full and queen sizes. Twin and full beds are available in the...

Mission bunk beds

Mission bunk beds

Crate Designs Furniture

Stylish simplicity available in twin, full and queen sizes. Twin and full bunk beds are available...

Panel beds

Panel beds

Crate Designs Furniture

Panel beds are available in twin, full, queen and king size. Twin and full beds are available in...

Shaker beds

Shaker beds

Crate Designs Furniture

Shaker beds are available in twin, full and queen sizes. Twin and full beds are available in the...

Sofa, attached back

Sofa, attached back

Crate Designs Furniture

Sofas and chairs feature solid wood frames - no springs or webbing to ever break or sag. Choose...

TimberFrame beds

TimberFrame beds

Crate Designs Furniture

TimberFrame beds are available in twin, full and queen sizes. Twin and full beds are available in...

TimberFrame bunk beds

TimberFrame bunk beds

Crate Designs Furniture

TimberFrame bunk beds This substantial bunk bed features massive corner posts and is available in...

WildRoots beds

WildRoots beds

Crate Designs Furniture

WildRoots furniture is not for everyone. You must appreciate wood at its rawest. The character that...