The best of everything is made right here in Ontario...

Including cars, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, technology, food, clothing, and more.

Your purchase matters. By simply buying Ontario Made products, you are directly supporting incredible manufacturers, makers, retailers, and their employees in your community.

This helps us grow a stronger economy for Ontarians. Let’s all do our part to celebrate and support these companies and their Ontario-made products.


For manufacturers

Show off your local products with pride - get increased exposure to consumers and promote your products more clearly with the Ontario Made logo. Register now.


For retailers

Help consumers make informed purchasing decisions and receive complimentary merchandising materials to better showcase your Ontario-made products. Register now.

Get recognition - submit a nomination today

Les prix Fabriqué en Ontario

Chaque vote que vous soumettez vous donne une chance de gagner l’une des cinq cartes-cadeaux de 200 $ à dépenser chez un fabricant enregistré Ontario Made de votre choix.

Votez maintenant
Lire les histoires de chez nous

Lire les histoires de chez nous

Apprenez à mieux connaître les entreprises de votre communauté et apprenez-en davantage sur les produits ontariens fabriqués localement.

Qu'il s'agisse d'explorer les histoires des fabricants, de guides de cadeaux ou de bien d'autres choses encore, c'est l'endroit où se tenir au courant de ce qui se fait en Ontario.

En savoir plus

Go Behind the Scenes

Unveil the magic of Ontario manufacturing! Whether you're a curious consumer or an industry enthusiast, our video collection highlights the stories, processes, and products that shape the marketplace. Prepare to be amazed and gain a deeper appreciation for the locally made products you love.