M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Ontario, Canada
M8Z 2E2
Food & Beverage – Dairy & Eggs
Grass Fed Organic Kefir
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Kefir is the only Certified Grass Fed and Organic Kefir in Ontario. Additionally it is the only...
Grass Fed Organic Cream Cheese ( Kajmak)
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Traditionally made cream cheese (Kajmakâ) made by culturing beta carotene rich Jersey cow cream...
Grass Fed Organic Crème Fraiche
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Crème Fraiche is made by separating beta carotene rich Jersey cow milk and then gently...
Grass Fed Organic Jersey Milk
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Jersey Cow Milk is naturally richer in micronutrients including beta carotene (which gives it a...
Grass Fed Organic Pressed Cottage Cheese
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Pressed Cottage Cheese Twar³gâ is the only Certified Grass Fed and Organic Cottage Cheese in...
Grass Fed Organic Quark
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Quark is the only Certified Grass Fed and Organic Quark in Ontario. Quark is a high protein...
Grass fed Organic Ryazhenka
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Ryazhenka, a traditional Ukrainian cooked and fermented milk, popular in Ukraine, Russia and...
Grass Fed Organic Sour Cream
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Sour Cream is made by culturing beta carotene rich Jersey cow milk (which gives it a rich...
Grass Fed Organic Yogurt
M-C Dairy & Future Bakery
Our Yogurt is the only Certified Grass Fed and Organic in Ontario. Additionally it is the only...