Artisan Panels | DL Custom

Artisan Panels

Artisan Panels

With 40 years of experience, DL Custom is one of the area's leading, fully-integrated metal fabrication shops. From our facility in Markham, Ontario we offer a full variety of laser cutting, bending, welding, fabricating, assembly and powder coat painting capabilities. Providing the best customer service and support through every step of every order, you receive individualized attention and commitment to your needs from all levels of the organization. At DL Custom you get more than the product; you get our commitment to quality, our commitment to you.
Most often our sheets are used for facades and exterior design of buildings, but its application is not limited to only that. They are resistant to rust and corrosive environments, so they are widely used in food and chemical industries. We look at the different ways for using perforated metal panels in architecture, exterior design, and landscape; as well we offer some amazing interior designs and metal furniture design.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

DL Custom

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