Aura™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Containers | Busch Systems

Aura™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Containers

Aura™ Series - Outdoor Waste and Recycling Containers

This long-lasting container is made of durable and weather resistant plastic lumber that is certified 98% post-consumer recycled plastic. Combining sustainability, functionality, and convenience into one eye-catching design. The Aura’s upscale appearance and high-quality construction create the perfect recycling and waste container for people who care.

DISCOURAGE PRECIPITATION AND LITTER - Sloped lid keeps the top of the bin free from precipitation and litter build up while leading it away from the opening to keep contents dry and clean

SIMPLIFIED SERVICING - Front door access and rigid liners allow for easy servicing

CLEAR COMMUNICATION - Optional front door signage allows a large visible space that can be seen from afar to designate streams and simplify waste diversion

IMPRESSIVE RECYCLED LUMBER - Aura recycled lumber units are made from a certified 98% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic and were created to be impenetrable against moisture, pests, UV Rays, and harsh weather conditions

SUPERIOR DURABILITY - Stainless steel hinges and heavy-duty screws complete the construction of a container that is built to last

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Busch Systems

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