Beekeepin' It Fermented
We like to shake things up a bit, and so have created fermented honey. Fermented honey looks and tastes different than raw honey because we have both increased the moisture content and introduced yeast to the raw product. This allows the natural yeasts and enzymes (mostly put there by our hard-working bees) to start the fermentation process. Moisture and warmth kick-start fermentation. Most honey today is heat-treated – two main reasons for this are to stop fermentation and to be able to strain it. Fermented honey should be refrigerated to slow fermentation.
Fermented honey does not automatically become alcoholic. If the moisture content is higher, then honey turns into our delicious meads.
With a rich, sharp taste – and smell – fermented honey is soft and frothy in appearance but with an added kick to the tastebuds.
The taste and consistency make it ideal for lemonades or smoothies and great for breakfasts with natural yogurt, muesli or fruit. It can also be used just like our other honeys, but being a bit experimental with this alternative honey really pays off (we’d love to hear the recipes you recommend!)
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