BioStreme BioBooster Concentrate | Ecolo Odor Control Technologies Inc.

BioStreme BioBooster Concentrate

BioStreme BioBooster Concentrate

BioStreme® concentrates, through engineered formulations of optimized essential nutrients, have been specifically developed to enhance growth and reproduction of beneficial indigenous bacteria. These proprietary formulas consist of micronutrients, amino acids, and complex organic extracts: the building blocks for growth and synthesis of new cell material. With BioStreme, effective management of virtually any biological treatment process can be achieved and/or enhanced, providing accelerated decomposition and stabilization rates while repressing odor-producing biological processes. Safe & biodegradable, BioStreme increases
treatment efficiency and delivers operational cost savings.

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Ecolo Odor Control Technologies Inc.

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