Byland 2018 Vidal Icewine 200ml | Byland Estate Winery

Byland 2018 Vidal Icewine 200ml

Byland 2018 Vidal Icewine 200ml

Vintage: 2018
Level: VQA
Award: Brown 25th Ontario Wine Awards 2019
Tasting Record¢ˆš˜¬º¢‰ˆ°Typical honey aroma, with other aromas such as oranges, almonds and pineapples, the body color is golden yellow.

Food Pairing¢ˆš˜¬º¢‰ˆ°Creamy chocolate biscuits, raspberries, mousse cakes and other desserts suitable for fresh berries.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Byland Estate Winery

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