Colombia Manos De Mujeres | Black Creek Coffee

Colombia Manos De Mujeres

Colombia Manos De Mujeres

Our first coffee to drop in 2025 is this gorgeous, washed Colombian coffee from Manos de Mujeres (Hands of Women) in La Unión, Nariño.

The farm is a collective of women producers that share a vision of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. They continue to grow their coffee organically, pushing back on mounting pressure to rely on chemicals, due to their strong values and beliefs.

The coffee is hand picked so that that only the ripest cherries are selected, then it is depulped, fermented for 16-24 hours, then washed and dried. The Nariño region's dramatic slopes and valleys create unique climate conditions that contribute to the smooth, sweet taste of the coffees from there.

The warm humid air collects in the lowlands during the day, and creeps up the mountainside at night, allowing the coffee to thrive at much higher altitudes than in most of Colombia. The high elevation, and washed processing really bring out the smooth classic coffee flavours of chocolate and molasses. We then roast this coffee medium to create another superb crowd pleaser.

This coffee can be brewed using any method.

Available in Whole Bean or Ground.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Black Creek Coffee

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