Duncan - 100% Untreated BFL, Sport, 3 Ply | HOKOHOKO Fibre Co.

Duncan - 100% Untreated BFL, Sport, 3 Ply

Duncan - 100% Untreated BFL, Sport, 3 Ply


100% Untreated Blue Faced Leicester

115g (4 oz.), 3ply, 256 metres (280 yrds)

Duncan, a BFL (a sheep breed named Blue Faced Leicester) is a soft and incredibly durable fibre so your projects are less likely to wear or stretch out over time. It has a slight lustrous sheen and natural resistance to felting. Duncan, the BFL is our new BFF (best friend forever) and likely your BFF too in wearables for its wonderful characteristics!

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

