ENER-SOL 10 - Solvent Cleaner | Nitmoi Labs Inc.

ENER-SOL 10 - Solvent Cleaner

Biodegradable | Non-Toxic | Non-Flammable
Ener-Sol is an environmentally friendly biodegradable alternative to toxic solvents specifically designed for rapid solubilization of, grease, oils and break dust found on automotive & heavy equipment. Ener-Sol 10 contains Bio based solvents and plant based wetting agents that allow it to be rinsed with water. Ener-Sol 10 contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons, benzenes, toluenes or xylenes. Ener-Sol 10 is the only choice for solvent degreasing in environmentally sensitive areas. Also widely used for degreasing of heavy bitumen type soils. Ener-Sol 10 is VOC exempt.

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Nitmoi Labs Inc.

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