"High Beer Nation" Box - Beer caddy | Q&A Design

"High Beer Nation" Box - Beer caddy

"High Beer Nation" Box - Beer caddy

This is the coolest way to stand out at a party! Bring your favorite brew, with style, in this beer carrier!
It fits a regular 6 pack or 9 tall cans, and still leaves room for a regular ice pack! As true beer lovers, we hate lukewarm beer. You'll love the soft touch of the wood handle combined with the stunning look of the brushed aluminum. AND don't worry about leaving it behind, we'll stamp your name on it!
- This box is handmade with aircraft techniques. Made out of riveted Aluminum composite panel, it makes it lightweight and sturdy.
- Enjoy the nice joinery detail of the wood handle. We have different kinds of wood handles. Let us know if you have a preference for lighter or darker wood, and we will send you the best match we have in stock.
- The separator inside fits a regular 16 oz. ice pack (7" x 4" x 1-1/2"), and creates individual compartments for your bottles or cans.
-We also personalize it with a custom serial number plate.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Q&A Design

Aluminum Box