HL09 – Horti Sky LED | Lumesmart Inc.

HL09 – Horti Sky LED

HL09 – Horti Sky LED

Leafy Greens is an encompassing term that applies to a variety of plants, including lettuce, microgreens, herbs, and specialty leafy vegetables. Leafy greens prefer cooler temperatures, making them a fall and winter crop. However, natural solar radiation is not optimal during these seasons resulting in longer production times. In addition to longer production, plants may become elongated and anthocyanins levels reduced. Without adequate light, growth related issues can become compounded.

Key Features
Horti-Sky is the versatile lighting solution for every application. Horti-Sky offers growers with the choice of spectrum, helping maximize growth in a greenhouse and indoor settings, balancing crop quality and yield. Horti-Sky allows crops to receive sufficient sunlight needed during high light periods and its precise and uniform lighting to supplement during low light or dark periods. It provides effective growing year-round

Flexible watt: 35W, 40W, 75W, 100W and customized watt
Dust free, easy to clean with long lifespan
External driver, good for reliable and maintainable performance

Optimal Spectrum
A balanced range of wavelengths from UV to FR suitable for all growth stages. It has been tested on and is suitable for most plant species cultivated worldwide. SUNLIKE spectrum works as both sole source or supplemental light

Optimal Spectrum
This full spectrum maximizes red and blue lights to allow for chlorophyll A and B absorption with a balance of green wavelengths to allow much deeper canopy penetration. Specifically formulated for indoor grow environments, this spectrum fosters photosynthesis in all stages, from propagation to flowering

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Lumesmart Inc.

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