Mary Anne Barkhouse | TheOccurrence

Mary Anne Barkhouse

Mary Anne Barkhouse

We speak of a language ‘barrier’ when we do not understand another’s expressions. But when we take care to listen, we come to learn that other languages hold meaning beyond a simple translation; they colour our interpretation of the world itself. ‘namaxsala is a Kwakwala word meaning “to travel in a boat together.” This single word evokes a shared fate and highlights our need for critical introspection as a country. The elegance and dignity of Barkhouse’s installation, locked in a perpetual gaze with Parliament, equals the prescience and eloquence of this deceptively simple sentiment.

Mary Anne Barkhouse belongs to the ‘Namgis band of the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation of British Columbia. She currently resides in the Haliburton Highlands of Ontario.

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