Mathemachickens Children's Math Game | Brainy Games

Mathemachickens Children's Math Game

Mathemachickens Children's Math Game

A simple math game where omnivorous chickens use their equation-making skills to eat their way around the farmyard while avoiding the hungry coyote.\
Rolling two dice, kids get to form equations from the two numbers. A different way of thinking about math.
20 answers can be formed from two die numbers: 1-10,12,15,16,18,20,24,25,30,36.

Lasercut Contents:
Farmyard game board in five sections ~17x17 inches.
Chicken coop with poop.
70 food tiles. 5
1 coyote.
2 dice.

Each board and chicken coop are hand painted such that no two boards are alike.
General paint colours are green and yellow.

Packaged in a 10x10 pizza box.

More information and instructions at

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Brainy Games

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