Medicine Wheel Table & Chairs | Taylors Recycled Plastic Products Inc.

Medicine Wheel Table & Chairs

Medicine Wheel Table & Chairs

As part of Indigenous Public Health and the Peterborough Regional Health Centre we built this medicine wheel-themed project for the PRHC outdoor gardens & grounds, as well as for local First Nations Park Improvement Projects.

Indigenous Public Health:
Peterborough is located in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagig peoples and is part of the land covered by Treaty #20, signed in November, 1818. Local Indigenous partners remind us that Peterborough’s traditional name is Nogojiwanong, (“place at the foot of the rapids” in Anishinaabemowin).
This project also nicely shows the vibrance of colour and the alternative planking layout for the table top.

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Taylors Recycled Plastic Products Inc.

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