Mega CUF | Purifics Water Inc.

Mega CUF

Mega CUF

MEGA Cuf is a ceramic ultra-filtration technology designed to purify water of bacteria, silt, colour, DOC, phosphorous, metals, etc. MEGA Cuf has true ceramic membranes, which should not be confused with ceramic hybrids. It operates continuously without pre-treatment, eliminating the need for backwash and CIP. Cuf is an advanced and proven process producing better water at lower cost. It features ZLD, 300 GFD on surface water and 600 GFD on ground water, no membrane replacement, reduced complexity and 100% of filtrate goes to distribution. Cuf systems come in a range of sizes from including the highest capacity membrane module in the world. Featuring complete automated and remote control globally.

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Purifics Water Inc.

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