Savon Naturel de lait de chèvre
Ça sent merveilleux. Hydratant, apaisant et revitalisant.
Huiles saponifiées (Huile d'olive, huile de coco, saindoux, beurre de karité, huile de ricin). Lait de chèvre, flocons d'avoine colloïdale, lactate de sodium, litsea cubeba, huile essentielle de lavande. 125 grammes
Natural Goat Milk Soap
CAMO FOR HIM Patchouli Natural Goat Milk Soap
Cedar Barn Homestead
Who says soap has to be boring? This soap is 100% natural. You can expect a hard, cleansing &...
Clary Sage Natural Goat Milk Soap
Cedar Barn Homestead
Natural, conditioning and moisturizing with great lather and bubbles. Ingredients: Saponified oils...
Natural Goat Milk Soap
Cedar Barn Homestead
We create natural goat’s milk soap using the milk from our goats. We carry a variety of 25-30...
Natural Goat Milk Soap
Cedar Barn Homestead
Loaded with goodness! This is a Best Seller at the Cedar Barn Homestead. Those with dry skin are...