Oak Ridges Liquid Wildflower Honey | Humber Honey Inc.

Oak Ridges Liquid Wildflower Honey

Oak Ridges Liquid Wildflower Honey

Our liquid honey is made from the nectar and pollen of a variety of flowers, trees and shrubs from neighbourhoods within Oak Ridges. It is cold extracted, unfiltered and unpasteurized to allow the final product to retain all of the vital micronutrients that are present when the honey is extracted from the hive. This is the closest you can get to consuming honey directly from the beehive.
Oak Ridges has a complex, diverse mix of wetlands, forests and wildflower pastures which produces a distinct, floral honey.
It is extracted in small batches by season and the colour of our Oak Ridges honey will vary with the changing seasons and the flowers our bees feed on but predominantly will be a rich golden colour. The variety of flowers the honey bees have fed on to create this honey will include: Apples, Maple, Clover, Goldenrod, and a whole range of wildflowers.
32% of the Oak Ridges Moraine is covered in upland forests and is one of six recognized areas for forest bird diversity in southern Ontario
5% of the Moraine is wetlands – mostly smaller but very important in their function as headwaters and also as isolated habitat for waterfowl
There are 37 kettle lakes and 46 bogs/fens (noteworthy for northern plants and animals)
0.2% of the Moraine is covered with 161 remnant tall grass prairie, sand barrens and oak-pine savannah/woodlands

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Humber Honey Inc.

Liquid Honey