Original Fine Art | Susan Lapp Originals

Original Fine Art

Original Fine Art

The Happy Girls Series
The Happy Girls send out joy, inspiration, humour, innocence, elegance to name a few. Most of all, they send out love.
I have focused solely on the Happy Girls series of Paintings during the pandemic – to send some happy into the world! They are an imaginative, time-consuming process. I first paint on Mylar – an abstract of nature, my colours and strokes that are always embedded in my art. I then cut my painting, seeing random shapes highlighting colours or lines I like. Pieces of all sizes from many paintings are the building blocks that become clothing, hats, birds, boots etc. and I slowly create a girl. As I see structure, movement and flair developing, I imagine a story. This helps me complete the artwork.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Susan Lapp Originals

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