Outlaw™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers | Busch Systems

Outlaw™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers

Outlaw™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers

This durable, high-capacity container is perfect for any indoor environment. The Outlaw's body is made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Content with blow-molded construction and is on the leading edge of circular-economy sustainability with quick & efficient manufacturing, allowing us to get this future-conscious product to you exactly when you need it.

HIGH-CAPACITY – With a capacity of 50 gallons, you'll save time and money servicing this easy-to-maintain container

ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS – With its body being made from 100% PCR, it is produced with a smaller carbon footprint, in addition to being fully recyclable at the end of life

HIGH-END AESTHETIC – The Outlaw's lid adds a high-end look to your space with a brushed pewter finish and choice of mixed or full restrictive openings

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Busch Systems

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