Peach Bellini Jam | La Dee Da Gourmet Sauces Inc.

Peach Bellini Jam

Wake up and smell the peaches! And the Prosecco! Introducing La Dee Da’s Charcuterie Jam & Jellies line up. Prepare to up your breakfast game this holiday season with this Peach Bellini Jam. A decadent way to start any morning. Add this plant-based jam to your pancakes or muffins, or use it to elevate your charcuterie boards this year. Your guests will be thanking you.
Spread a little sparkle with this jam by gifting it individually or by including it in a homemade gift basket. Can you say yum? And what a thoughtful idea! You can drink your Prosecco and eat it too with this jam. You’ll be jamming to the tune of La Dee Da this holiday season. Try adding this jam to your favourite baked goods or invite your friends over for a perfect afternoon of high tea and serve this jam with some gluten-free scones!
*vegan, dairy free, gluten free, plant based

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

La Dee Da Gourmet Sauces Inc.

Jams/Jellies (Gourmet)