Red Kale microgreens | Leafy Delights Microgreens

Red Kale microgreens

Red Kale microgreens

Plant microgreen kale seeds and grow one of the most nutritious super-foods known. They are high in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, carotene, amino acids, and protein. This mild-tasting, pale green greens look very nice if the first true leaves are allowed to emerge. They also contain sulforaphane, a compound thought to have powerful cancer-fighting qualities. Plant Kale microgreen seeds are among the known nutritious foods. They are a good source of amino acids, carotenes, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They are mild in taste. They have a slightly bitter flavor. They contain a compound known as sulforaphane that has cancer-fighting abilities. Home gardeners are fond of planting them. They are a convenient source of nutrient-enriched greens throughout the year. Leafy Delights Microgreens is a provider of freshly packed Kale Microgreens, so you can easily place your order.

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Leafy Delights Microgreens

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