RISE™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers | Busch Systems

RISE™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers

RISE™ Series - Indoor Waste and Recycling Containers

The innovation never stops! Busch Systems' first ever wall-mounted container puts your recycling and waste program right where you need it to be. Through research, design and customer feedback, we have created a system that rises above the rest! Conserve space & keep floors clean without moving your containers. The RISE Series incorporates a multi-stream solution with a low profile that minimizes disruptions in narrow spaces.

. Wall Mounted
. Low Profile
. Simple Installation With Metal Wall Bracket
. Easy Servicing
. Keep Floors Clean Without Moving Containers
. Lid Pivot Flips the Lid to the Back

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Busch Systems

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