RV series vertical compactors | Rotobale Compaction Solutions INC.

RV series vertical compactors

RV series vertical compactors

The Rotobale line of vertical compactors has been specifically designed to contain wet or dry waste materials. Our vertical compactors eliminate the use of unsightly open refuse containers and also minimize the possibility of pilferage or unauthorized use.

The RV-Series of vertical compactors are ideal for situations in which space is restricted, the volume of wet waste does not justify a larger system, or a roll-off collection service is not available. Their compact design make them ideal for shopping plazas, restaurants, hotels, motels, fast food locations, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and many more locations. They can either be used on the exterior or the interior of the building.

Rotobale¢€s vertical compaction units are versatile and easy to operate. Our products are audited to ensure that they comply will the latest in safety standards to make them the safest line of compaction equipment in the industry. Rotobale offers complete training after installation is complete to ensure your staff understands the correct way to operate your vertical compactor in the safest manner possible.

Our vertical commercial compactors are available in 4, 6, and 8 yard capacities. All models are equipped with our innovative Roto-teck control cycle system, allowing for improved compaction and higher load density. This results in less trips for your hauler, which translates into savings for you!

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Rotobale Compaction Solutions INC.

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