Shower Steamers | Pure Heart Essentials

Shower Steamers

Shower Steamers

Introducing instant "shower bomb" aromatherapy. Drop a puck in the shower & enjoy the steam release of sweet scents! Place away from direct water flow & enjoy the mist release of essential oils. For lasting results, leave Steamer in a soap dish. Enjoy them beyond your shower too! Place a Steamer in a bowl, drizzle small amount of water. Enjoy the activated aromatherapy scents. Bonus, all our essential oil combinations serve a purpose- to calm, boost or breath better! See below...


BREATHE SHOWER STEAMERS: Eucalyptus & Peppermint Essential Oils. Excellent for colds and sinuses.
REVIVE SHOWER STEAMERS: Lemon, Lime & Orange Essential Oils. The citrus oils wake up your senses in the morning.
CALM SHOWER STEAMERS: Lavender Essential Oils. Perfect way to calm your mind before bed.
SHOWERS STEAMERS create special spa moments!

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Pure Heart Essentials

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