The Hilarious Coffeehouse of Frightenstein - Creme Brulee Flavoured Coffee 340 Grams | Mavin Coffee Corp.

The Hilarious Coffeehouse of Frightenstein - Creme Brulee Flavoured Coffee 340 Grams

The Hilarious Coffeehouse of Frightenstein - Creme Brulee Flavoured Coffee 340 Grams

“Cauldron cauldron, toil and trouble, cauldron boil, and cauldron bubble!” oooheheehehooo, eat your heart out Joyce Dewitt. Creme Brulee made with green coffee beans, rubber cement, and a beehive is ghastly indeed.

The Official Coffee of The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. A Canadian staple in households in the 70s and 80s.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Mavin Coffee Corp.

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