The Sinister Delight | Villain Sauce Co.

The Sinister Delight

The Sinister Delight

Like a weary traveler in the desert, a thirst-quenching mirage can Delight the senses, only to realize that there is no relief ahead.......but a more Sinister fate awaits.
This sauce stands apart from the rest of our line-up, from the colour, aroma, ingredients, taste, and overall look, we created this sauce to Delight your tastebuds, but also to have enough fire inside to light you up.
Peaches are the main ingredient here, but a powerhouse group of superhot peppers lurk in the shadows to take it to that next level, including Peach Ghost, Scorpion, and Habanero peppers.

Ingredients: Peaches, Habanero Peppers, Bell Peppers (Yellow, Orange), Apple Cider Vinegar, Vinegar, Ghost Peppers, Scorpion Peppers, Sugars (Honey, Brown Sugar), Onion, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Spices. Contains Sulphites

Heat Rating: 4/5

Site Web du produit

Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Villain Sauce Co.

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