Lanières de dinde et de bœuf
Un sac mélangé de nos lanières de dinde et de bœuf lyophilisées.
Combo Bags
Beef & Pork Strips
Yeeter Snax
A mixed bag of our single ingredient, freeze dried beef strips and pork strips.
Chicken & Beef Strips
Yeeter Snax
A mixed bag of our single ingredient, freeze dried chicken strips and beef strips.
Chicken, Turkey & Duck Strips
Yeeter Snax
A mixed bag of our single ingredient freeze dried chicken strips, turkey strips, and duck strips.
Mixed Heart
Yeeter Snax
A combo bag of all our available hearts! Including approximately 20g of: Beef heart, chicken heart,...
Variety Bag
Yeeter Snax
A variety of our available snax so that your pet can try a little of everything. These bags will...