Villager Publications Community Magazines | Villager Publications

Villager Publications Community Magazines

Villager Publications Community Magazines

Our lineup of local magazines promote and support a sense of community. The purpose of our local magazines is to see, know, care about and understand your community
Local connects you to the place where you live.
Locally owned businesses build strong communities, linking neighbors in a web of economic and social relationships, and contributing to local causes. We promote these businesses and deliver our publications free to the communities through Canada Post each month. To date, we have 12 publications in circulation.
All content is local and specific to the community that we service.
We are 100% owned and operated locally providing jobs and skills within our community. Our magazines are printed locally.
Our complete lineup of magazines are also available online and remain for a period of 12 months.

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Villager Publications

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