Vision™ Series - Indoor/Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container | Busch Systems

Vision™ Series - Indoor/Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container

Vision™ Series - Indoor/Outdoor Waste and Recycling Container

Standardize your recycling program with a modern container that is perfect for any indoor or outdoor setting. Durability and performance were key design factors in every detail in this container, effortlessly combining sustainability and practicality to create a Vision for the future of our environment.

SIMPLIFIED SERVICING - Front door access and rigid liners allow for easy servicing

EASY DISPOSAL AND DIVERSION - Front facing openings with a variety of restrictive options to designate streams

VERSATILE FUNCTIONALITY - Flat top design allows for efficient collection of trays and other materials when applicable in an indoor setting

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION - Optional front door and backboard signage provides additional space to designate streams and divert waste while upscale 3D labeling highlights stream differentiation

IMPRESSIVE RECYCLED LUMBER - Vision recycled lumber units are made from a certified 98% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic and were created to be impenetrable against moisture, pests, UV Rays, and harsh weather conditions

SUPERIOR DURABILITY - Stainless steel hinges and heavy-duty screws complete the construction of a container that is built to last

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Ce produit est fièrement fabriqué en Ontario par :

Busch Systems

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